Ola Ola Pounded Yam

Weight N/A

5lbs, 10lbs, 18.5lbs


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Pounded yam or Iyán or Ruam-Yo is a Nigerian swallow food native to the Yoruba, Igbo, Tiv and Ebira and the Okun ethnic groups. Here in the west, other African countries have adopted pounded yam as a delicasy they enjoy with their native soups.  Pounded yam is similar to mashed potatoes but heavier. It is a smooth and tasty delicacy traditionally eaten with the hands. It sometimes called poundo, pando or mashed yam.

It can be served with egusi soup, jute leaves soup (ewedu), stewed spinach (efo riro) or okra soup.

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How to make Pounded yam

1.  Boil 2 cups of Water, then let it simmer on stove

2.  Add 1½ cups Pound’ol Iyan flour to pot & Stir constantly to ensure no lumps.

3.  As you stir, dough will form. Add more flour or water depending on desired texture and consistency

4.  Immediately start to stir and use your wooden spoon to knead/ pound the mix again

5.  Continue to do so for approx. 2-4mins until a smooth dough is formed

6.  Then add another 10ml of water the pot and reduce heat to lowest. Leave dough to simmer for approx. 2mins

7.  Then remove mix from pot and leave to chill on plate for 1min, before serving with sauce of choice.

Additional information

Weight N/A

5lbs, 10lbs, 18.5lbs


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